Kimi No Na Wa – Thoughts & Dreams (Doujinshi) Average 3.4 / 5 out of 18
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Kimi no Na wa: Thoughts and Dreams ; KnNw: Thoughts & Dreams
Taki Tachibana is a high school student from Tokyo who one day finds himself waking up in an unfamiliar house as a girl he never saw before…or has he? This is a fan creation of the unseen events of the movie Kimi no Na wa focusing on the difficulties Taki found himself in when in Mitsuha’s body. —- (https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=75572747) – (https://www.reddit.com/r/KimiNoNaWa/comments/c9rde8/kimi_no_na_wa_thoughts_dreams_fan_manga/)
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